Addison Clark
As a friend and college associate of the late Addison Clark, I beg the privilege of offering a tribute of respect to his memory through the columns of your paper.
He and the writer first met as students at the old Kentuckytown Academy of which "Uncle Charley Carlton" was then principal.
A warm personal friendship soon sprang up between us which grew into a yet riper friendship after our removing with the above institution to Bonham. Since our separation there our pathways have touched only at one point, in 1870, although for many years the fields of our respective labors were almost contiguous - a fact which enabled the writer to keep closely in touch with the labors and growing influence of this man of God. The occasion of eulogies has been splendidly occupied and so I ask your indulgence for throwing a simple willow wreath over the grave of one - loved in life and revered in death.
The genial kind-hearted, unpretentious friend, the sainless Christian gentleman, the splendid soldier of the 'lost cause,' will be with us no more, but we shall ever cherish a feeling of respect and admiration for this great leader and organizer of men - as we look through the record of the services rendered by him, of duties performed of sacrifices made of trials and sufferings heroically endured.
In all his life work, we can see exemplified in his character the rounded finish - the grace and symmetry of an almost perfect man.
Life's duty well and faithfully performed, our beloved friend has no more to do with these things of earth, an now sweetly sleep beneath the shade of the trees on the other side of the river.
Let the college associates of those far off days, wherever they may chance to be, pause for a moment, to recall the kindly deeds, the exemplary conduct and the splendid promise of our friend at the outer door of opportunity which we now realize to have been the presage of a more mature life of lofty Christian endeavor - a life humbly and worthy lived in our midst - a life devoted to the highest interests of humanity - a life so worthy of our fondest emulation.
"Sleep kindly on Thy noble life,
With cares and love replete
Has left on us its impress, rife,
With memories fond and sweet."
"Sleep on, dear friend. Such lives as thing
Have not been lived in vain
But shed an influence, rare, divine,
On lives that here remain."
Source: Hico, Texas, June 7, 1911 ... publication name & dateline not included with article